MANI003: Practicing Anthropology (Compulsory)
MANE-001: Human Genetics
MANE-002: Human Growth and Development
MANE-003: Comparative Ethnography
MANE-004: Gender and Society
MANE-005: Environment Anthropology
MANE-006: Social Stratification
MANE-007: Tribes in India
सभी प्रश्नों के उत्तर जानने के लिए नीचे दिए व्हाट्सएप आइकॉन पर क्लिक करें |
सभी प्रश्नों के उत्तर जानने के लिए नीचे दिए व्हाट्सएप आइकॉन पर क्लिक करें |
MANI-003: Practicing Anthropology
Assignment Code: MANI-003/AST/TMA/2024-25
Total Marks: 100
This assignment is divided into two sections, ‘A’ and ‘B’. Students are required to attempt a total of five questions, with at least two questions from each section. The word limit for 20-mark questions is 500 words, and for 10-mark questions, it is 250 words. Each question carries equal marks.
- What is practicing anthropology? Discuss its growth during the 1st and 2nd World Wars. (20 marks)
- Discuss in detail the participatory approaches in practicing anthropology. (20 marks)
- Discuss the methods and measurements used in design anthropometry. (20 marks)
- Discuss the methods used in forensic anthropology to identify a body. (20 marks)
- Attempt any two of the following: (10+10 marks)
a. History of applied anthropology in USA
b. Genetic screening
c. Dispute of confidentiality
- Discuss the use of multimedia in anthropology. (20 marks)
- Discuss the role of anthropologists in disaster management. (20 marks)
- Provide a discussion on the cultural understanding of health. (20 marks)
- Define and delineate the anthropological understanding of development. (20 marks)
- Attempt any two of the following: (10+10 marks)
a. Tourism anthropology
b. Capacity development
c. Kinanthropometry
MANE-001: Human Genetics
Assignment Code: MANE-001/AST/TMA/2024-25
Total Marks: 100
This assignment is divided into two sections, ‘A’ and ‘B’. Students are required to attempt a total of five questions, with at least two questions from each section. Each question carries equal marks. The word limit for 20-mark questions is 500 words, and for 10-mark questions, it is 250 words.
- Define Human Genetics. Discuss briefly the different branches of Human Genetics. (20 marks)
- What is inbreeding? Discuss different types of inbreeding in human populations. (20 marks)
- Describe the structure and features of DNA. (20 marks)
- What is Mitosis? Briefly comment on various stages of cell division with suitable diagrams. (20 marks)
- Write short notes on any two of the following: (10+10 marks)
a) Hardy-Weinberg Law
b) Polymorphism
d) Y-linked inheritance
- Discuss the concept of a gene in the light of Beadle and Tatum’s work. (20 marks)
- What is a Chromosomal aberration? Describe different types of chromosomal aberrations. (20 marks)
- What is PTC? Describe the procedure for PTC tasting ability through the serial dilution method. (20 marks)
- Discuss different forms of DNA Polymorphisms. (20 marks)
- Write short notes on any two of the following: (10+10 marks)
a) Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
b) Hap Map Project
c) Ethical principles in genetic research
d) Phenylketonuria (PKU)
Human Growth and Development (MANE 002)
Course Code: MANE 002/AST/TMA/2024-25
Total Marks: 100
Note: This assignment has two sections ‘A’ and ‘B’. Attempt any five questions in all, selecting at least two questions from each section. All questions carry equal marks. The word limit for 20 marks questions is 500 words and for 10 marks questions, it is 250 words.
Section A
- Discuss in brief malnutrition. (20 marks)
- Explain basic principles of growth. (20 marks)
- Briefly discuss the contribution by Sheldon. (20 marks)
- Describe the environmental factors affecting growth. (20 marks)
- Define and differentiate between any two of the following: (10+10 marks)
- Dietary history
- Negative secular trend and Positive secular trend
- Distance curve and velocity curve
Section B
- Enlist the methods of studying growth and describe any one of them. (20 marks)
- Briefly explain body composition in context of different racial groups. (20 marks)
- Describe in brief prenatal growth. (20 marks)
- Discuss Theories of ageing. (20 marks)
- Write short notes on any two of the following: (10+10 marks)
- Basic principles of growth
- Recommended dietary allowance
- Purpose and use of somatotyping
Comparative Ethnography (MANE-003)
Course Code: MANE 003/AST/TMA/2024-25
Total Marks: 100
Note: This assignment has two sections ‘A’ and ‘B’. Attempt any five questions in all, selecting at least two questions from each section. All questions carry equal marks. The word limit for 20 marks questions is 500 words and for 10 marks questions, it is 250 words.
- Define ethnography? Discuss the new trends in ethnography. (20 marks)
- Discuss the interpretative and the feminist approach in writing ethnographies with suitable examples. (20 marks)
- Deliberate on the concept of kinship as portrayed in the ethnography “The Web of Kinship among the Tallensi.” (20 marks)
- Analyse the concepts of class, caste and power as reflected in Andre Beteilli’s work. (20 marks)
- Write short notes:
a. Ethics in writing (10 marks)
b. Notes on love in a Tamil Family (10 marks)
- With reference to M.N. Srinivas’s work outline the ritual idiom of the Coorgs. (20 marks)
- Discuss the concept of ‘coming of age’ as portrayed in Margaret Mead’s work. (20 marks)
- Examine Annette. B. Weiner’s work among “The Trobrianders of Papua New Guinea” and how it had an impact on gender study. (20 marks)
- Discuss the ethnography “India’s Changing Villages: Human Factors in Community Development.” (20 marks)
- Write short notes referring to the ethnographies discussed in the course:
a. T.N. Madan (10 marks)
b. Himalayan Polyandry (10 marks)
Comparative Ethnography (MANE-003)
Course Code: MANE 003/AST/TMA/2024-25
Total Marks: 100
Note: This assignment has two sections ‘A’ and ‘B’. Attempt any five questions in all, selecting at least two questions from each section. All questions carry equal marks. The word limit for 20 marks questions is 500 words and for 10 marks questions, it is 250 words.
- Define ethnography? Discuss the new trends in ethnography. (20 marks)
- Discuss the interpretative and the feminist approach in writing ethnographies with suitable examples. (20 marks)
- Deliberate on the concept of kinship as portrayed in the ethnography “The Web of Kinship among the Tallensi.” (20 marks)
- Analyse the concepts of class, caste and power as reflected in Andre Beteilli’s work. (20 marks)
- Write short notes:
a. Ethics in writing (10 marks)
b. Notes on love in a Tamil Family (10 marks)
- With reference to M.N. Srinivas’s work outline the ritual idiom of the Coorgs. (20 marks)
- Discuss the concept of ‘coming of age’ as portrayed in Margaret Mead’s work. (20 marks)
- Examine Annette. B. Weiner’s work among “The Trobrianders of Papua New Guinea” and how it had an impact on gender study. (20 marks)
- Discuss the ethnography “India’s Changing Villages: Human Factors in Community Development.” (20 marks)
- Write short notes referring to the ethnographies discussed in the course:
a. T.N. Madan (10 marks)
b. Himalayan Polyandry (10 marks)
Gender and Society (MANE 004)
Course Code: MANE 004/AST/TMA/2024-25
Total Marks: 100
Note: This assignment has two sections ‘A’ and ‘B’. Attempt any five questions in all, selecting at least two questions from each section. All questions carry equal marks. The word limit for 20 marks questions is 500 words and for 5 marks questions, it is 125 words.
- Define patriarchy? Discuss the theoretical perspectives on its origin. (20 marks)
- What is gender? Evaluate the concepts of masculinity and femininity. (20 marks)
- Discuss socialisation and examine critically the role of family and schools in the gendered socialisation of a child. (20 marks)
- Discuss family from the perspective of sexuality and heteronormativity with examples. (20 marks)
- Write short notes on any four of the following: (4×5=20 marks)
a) Marxist Feminism
b) Queer Politics
c) Nayar Women
d) Bodies at menarche
e) Domestic labour
- Evaluate different life course events and their implications on women. (20 marks)
- Discuss the role of women in the Telangana and Chipko movements. (20 marks)
- Examine how globalisation affects gender behaviour. (20 marks)
- Examine the identity, status, and role of women in caste-based societies. (20 marks)
- Discuss and differentiate between any two of the following: (10+10 marks)
a. Sex and gender
b. Liberal and radical feminisms
c. American and French psychoanalytical theory
Environmental Anthropology (MANE 005)
Course Code: MANE 005/AST/TMA/2024-25
Total Marks: 100
Note: This assignment has two sections ‘A’ and ‘B’. Attempt any five questions in all, selecting at least two questions from each section. All questions carry equal marks. The word limit for 20 marks questions is 500 words and for 10 marks questions, it is 250 words.
- Discuss Environmental anthropology, its scope, emergence and development. (20 marks)
- Define Hunter-Gatherers and discuss their classification. (20 marks)
- Briefly discuss the concept of ecosystem. (20 marks)
- Briefly discuss colonial and post colonial forest policies in India. (20 marks)
- Define and differentiate between any two of the following: (10+10 marks)
- The origins of agriculture
- Protectionist and community based conservations
- Indigenous Peoples and environmental justice
- Briefly discuss current trends in environmental anthropology. (20 marks)
- Gender, water and environment. Discuss. (20 marks)
- Discuss the domains of applications in environmental anthropology. (20 marks)
- Discuss in brief ecological succession. (20 marks)
- Write short notes on any two of the following: (10+10 marks)
- Arid and semi-arid regions
- Applied medical anthropology
- Communities, culture and climate change
Social Stratification (MANE-006)
Course Code: MANE 006/AST/TMA/2024-25
Total Marks: 100
Note: This assignment has two sections ‘A’ and ‘B’. Attempt any five questions in all, selecting at least two questions from each section. All questions carry equal marks. The word limit for 20 marks questions is 500 words and for 10 marks questions, it is 250 words.
- Identify and discuss the various forms of inequality that exist in human societies. (20 marks)
- Discuss pastoral communities and shifting cultivators in the context of social differentiation. (20 marks)
- Discuss the three main types of authority. (20 marks)
- Examine and discuss Durkheim’s three forms of solidarities. (20 marks)
- Write short notes on any two of the following: (10+10 marks)
a) Polygenesis versus Monogenesis
b) Tribalism and ethnicity
c) Talcott Parsons’ theory of social action
d) The elite class
- Elucidate the conditions that led to the creation of stratification and marginalisation. (20 marks)
- Evaluate the role of media in the construction of gender. (20 marks)
- Examine Indian social mobility and social structure. (20 marks)
- Discuss the negotiation of power in the domestic space as highlighted in Karin Kapadia’s Siva and her Sisters. (20 marks)
- Write short notes on any two of the following: (10+10 marks)
a) ICTs and Social Embeddedness
b) Caste-based affirmative action
c) Social mobility due to education
d) Peers and socialisation
Tribes in India (MANE-007)
Course Code: MANE 007/AST/TMA/2024-25
Total Marks: 100
Note: This assignment has two sections ‘A’ and ‘B’. Attempt any five questions in all, selecting at least two questions from each section. All questions carry equal marks. The word limit for 20 marks is 500 words and for 10 marks is 250 words.
- Define Tribe. Examine the concept of Tribe as per the Indian Constitution. (20 marks)
- Who are the particularly vulnerable tribal groups in India? Discuss the problems faced by these groups. (20 marks)
- Write a note on rules of kinship, family, and marriage in a matrilineal society with suitable examples. (20 marks)
- Examine the tribal beliefs and practices among the Gaddi and Toda communities. (20 marks)
- Write short notes on: (10+10 marks)
- Indigenous populations
- De-notified communities
- Reflect on the recommendations made by the Bhuria Committee of 1994 and the Bhuria Commission of 2002. (20 marks)
- Write a note on the epistemology and the alternate modes of knowledge creation among tribes. (20 marks)
- Critically examine the Naga Secessionist Movement. (20 marks)
- Discuss the impact of industrialisation and globalisation on tribes. (20 marks)
- Write short notes on: (10+10 marks)
- Non-Government Organisations and Tribes
- Pastoral Nomads